Publication spotlight

Here we will post about the published science – but not to worry, we will make it fun and easy.




Diversity of jaw bones in Arctic charr

By | Publication feature

Written with Guðbjörg Ósk Jónsdóttir. At the end of May Guðbjörg Ósk Jónsdóttir and her team published an article on the diversity of jaw bones in Arctic charr. They looked into the differences in the skull of the Arctic charr morphs in Thingvallavatn. A little bit of background on the Arctic charr morphs in Thingvallavatn […]


The food available to salmon and what they eat

By | Publication feature

In April Sammi Lai and her team published an article about how the amount and variety of food affects young salmon. Their study sites were four rivers in Northeast Iceland (see map). They looked into which invertebrates (animals without a backbone) could be found in the rivers and by finding out what young salmon are […]


Fine scale diversity in the lava

By | Publication feature

Publication feature: Fine scale diversity in the lava In April, Camille Leblanc published an article on diversity in Arctic charr populations that live in the caves of lake Mývatn. Read the poster below for more information! Do you want to read more? Find the article here: Fine scale diversity in the lava. Feel free to […]